About Rev Dr Elizabeth Harrell (SoulFire) | Metamystic Muse About Elizabeth Harrell, PhD, D.Div.
Early Life & Backstory

I was born in the back country of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Western North Carolina.
It has long been said that we are a "peculiar people," keeping to ourselves and weary of outsiders.

As Anna Wess says,
"We are a mystery as old as these hills themselves, and it doesn’t take much figuring to know that we are enigmas of intentional design and destiny. The old ones, the original Appalachian queens, were daughters of the Celts and the offspring of Druids and medieval mavens and the natives of the old world craft, and we are their children. And although we are indeed as mysterious as these old hills, we still have that Celt and Cherokee elder magic in our bones."

Being from a line of women who knew every remedy you could imagine - from a wild ramp poultice to a wart-removing miracle involving nothing more than a wash rag and a hushed, prayerful chant, this work really is in my blood and my bones.

As a child I spent every waking second down in the woods, talking to the elementals, finding comfort in the tall and craggy trees, bearing my soul to the creeks and streams, connecting deeply with the precious heart of the earth, and looking up to Great Mystery, and the Pleiades...knowing somehow, that it, too, was another place I called "home...Where family lived (you know, the Seven Sisters) *wink*.

Yes, as above, so below, my roots are as deep as the towering oaks in mother earth and as soaring as the streams of photonic light coming down from the stars above. And this is where my connection to other worlds and other dimensions came alive,

And were as real as I am.

And as real as YOU are.

It truly was my place of refuge when this old world seemed plain mean and angry.
It seems as though turmoil followed us...what I now recognize fully as ancestral trauma. I have two brothers-- One passed away at the tender age of 19 many years ago., the other was born with cerebral palsy and transitioned just a few months ago to join My father, who also passed away in January 2023. I was able to give him and his father (my grandfather) "The great death rites" of the shaman, myself.  An unexpected, sudden, humbling and mighty honor, is to be at a loved ones side during their last hours on earth, aiding them in passage from this life unto the next.

While my mom, and I have been a Tennessee-transplant since 2006, North Carolina is always our hearts .
Doesn't really matter anyway, because I now call these beautiful Smokey Mountains home - STILL in my beloved Appalachian mountains!

As I write, I am laughing and whispering to mySelf,

"Some things never change."

So.... Who am I?

I am many things.

I AM No Thing,

and ALL things, just like you!

(And here comes Anna Wess, again, saying,

Ah, my dear... YOU are an Appalachian Queen...")

Rev. Elizabeth Harrell, P.h.D., D.Div.  |  

Founder, Director, & Senior Minister at SoulFire Ministries | SoulFire Alchemy™ Clinic


  • Ph.D. in Metaphysics and Doctor of Divinity - Esoteric Theological Seminary and Interfaith Church, Inc..
  • Certified Shamanic Energy Medicine, Ceremonial and Spiritual Teacher - Dr. Rachel Mann, Awakened Heart Shamanism  
  • Authorized Full Blessed Minister - the Native American Indigenous Church, Inc.   
  • Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant - American College of Natural Medicine - Thai Yoga enter
  • Certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Master Teacher  - many lineages
  • Certified Crystal Reiki Master Teacher 
  • Certified Hypnotist - the San Diego Hypnosis Institute 
  • Certified BQH Practitioner - (Beyond Quantum Healing) - created by Candace Craw-Goldman and is based on QHHT®, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, a regressive hypnosis modality created by the late Dolores Cannon. 
  • Dual Certified Master Astrologer (Western) - Luminous Life Multiversity, HVTV School, and current studies in Vedic Astrology - Magha Vedic Astrology Academy
  • 27 years in Complimentary Alternative Medicine and 20+ years, and thousands of hours of Practice and continuing education as a former licensed massage & Bodywork therapist in both NC and TN 
  • 500+ Hours of Official and Personal Training in Herbalist, permaculture, and Herbology 
  • Certified SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy (L1)* Practitioner - Thai Yoga Center / American College of Natural Medicine   
  • Lifelong practice in Animism, cosmic, and Earth Reconnection 
  • Deep Immersion in Ancestral Lineage Healing and Animism - Dr. Daniel Foor
  • Certified Practitioner of Qi-Gong - Supreme Science
  • In Progress: to Get my D.T.S.I.M. (Doctorate of Traditional and Sacred Indigenous Medicine) - American College of Natural Medicine and Native American Indigenous Church (NAIC)
So. . .


How Long 

Have I 

been at this!?


As a former licensed massage and bodywork therapist, I have been involved in the holistic healing and alternative Arts for 27 years.

My love for this field was first planted when I took a job as a chiropractic assistant in 1996. It is this love that led me to move to Asheville, NC in 2002, where I graduated from the Center for Massage and Natural Health.

I held licenses to practice in North Carolina, then in Tennessee, until 2013, which expired while I was in the hospital.

For bodywork, (excluding sacred energy medicines) I hold certifications to practice Quantum Cranio-Sacral therapy, deep tissue, foot reflexology, aromatherapy, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, hot stones, hydrotherapy and body wraps, with extensive experience in Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point and Acupressure Therapy, food and herbal healing therapy, skin and beauty care.

My previous training in the massage/bodywork field are NOW techniques of the Sacred. Ancient Healing science are holistic tools in my Ministry and the Education we provide. I still implement the energy healing aspects of them ALL.

I have been fortunate to work in many environments- from world class resort spas to private practice, massage schools, and beyond. I've worn many hats during my professional life- everything from positions in the administrative profession (i.e., legal assistant, university executive assistant, retail manager) to those in the business and healing arts such as chiropractic paraprofessional, 2300 Sq. Ft. day spa owner & consultant, senior instructor and owner of Appalachian Institute of Healing Arts massage school, and teacher of continuing education for massage therapists.

While I had to make my departure from a rich and long massage therapy practice after my illness, working with dimensions of the spirit world, Indigenous/Natural Medicine and energy Healing called me even further and thus, SoulFire Alchemy was born, and continues to evolve through constant upregulation in training and experience.

My spirit walk and animist training first began as a child long ago through my Appalachian folk roots and continues every day as I am being trained by the inherent wisdom of the spirits of my own Celtic/Norse/Scandinavian ancestral lineages as well as ReConnection with the Living Light Consciousness.  

In addition to and elaborating on my credentials above, I have been privileged to learn, practice, and/or be certified in:

 ~Animism, Earth Reconnection and Ancestral Lineage Healing with Dr. Daniel Foor of Ancestral Medicine

~Shamanic medicine wheel traditions of the Amazon and Andes in Central and South America, particularly from the Peruvian Q’ero adapted by Dr. Rachel Mann of Sacred Activism for Peacemaking / Awakened Heart Shamanism, Alberto Villoldo of the Four Winds Society, and ~Venerable Dyhani Ywahoo, Chief of the Green Mountain Band of Ani Yun Wiwa, including descendants of Tsalagi background who moved to Vermont-- the twenty-seventh generation holder of the ancestral Ywahoo lineage. Venerable Dhyani is also a respected teacher of Buddhism.

~ Sabian Alchemy and Elven Star Wisdom School with James Burgess of Ireland. 
a Sufi-based method that supports healing, mastery and awakening at a very profound level. It comprises 7 stages of clearing, any one of which can shift us into a higher level of attainment, and fused together will certainly make a significant contribution to your spiritual awareness and create major breakthroughs in ultimate evolution, freedom, and enthusiasm.

~ Indigenous and Traditional Medicine, Healing Science, Counseling and Medicine, SomaVeda Integrated Therapies®  with Dr. Ajahn Anthony James of Native American Indigenous Church, Inc. and Thai Yoga Center in Florida. See my listing!

~500 Hr. Herbal Immersion Program Program at the Chestnut School for Herbal Medicine.  

~ I am have been ordained as a Interfaith Minister/Reverend and have earned dual-Doctorate degrees: A PhD in Metaphysics and a Doctorate in Divinity with the Esoteric Theological Seminary and Interfaith Church, Inc.

   The Mother of A L L  Initiations   

Enter The Cosmic Consciousness of
Great Mystery.

Since the day of my birth I have had an insatiable curiosity for life, and a deep yearning to understand how we Beings function and why the Universe operates.

Who or what created the all?

Why are we here?

 One day-- IT decided to thoroughly educate me.
In January of 2013, I suffered a sudden illness that would change my life forever.

My loved ones came home to find me on the floor having convulsions, a severe form of seizures. I was rushed to the ER, having had multiple organ failure. I was in a coma for 5 days, on life support for two weeks, followed by weeks of hospitalization, and months of confinement to the bed, a wheelchair, speech and physical therapies, and a foreboding prognosis.

I was given less than a 20% chance of living 2 years after I was released from the hospital.

Indeed, one of if not THE very darkest nights of my soul.
It was during this event that I had what I now refer to as a total death experience which catalyzed a powerful shift in my personal spiritual perception.

While the NDE itself was the most glorious gift of eternity, it also ignited within me a determination to bring myself into a state of health.

The initiation of a shaman- one who "walks between worlds" and endures "soul fire" in service of lighting a path for others transmute trauma, awaken to higher consciousness, and discover their own sacred power and Oneness.

During my near death experience, I was gifted the spirit name SoulFire, and spirit has led me to embody Who I Am...

My work continues to evolve, as do I, on my own path of transmutation. I am so very grateful to lend a hand to those who also find themselves drawn to the path of finding what sets their "soul" on "fire!"

What makes working with or learning from me unique?

Over the years as I continue to learn, grow and evolve, I have gained extensive knowledge and practice in many things that don't seem related to many people - but I notice connections and interconnectedness where others don't.

Of course I am a life-long student of the mysteries and mystery schools, and yet I have what seems as lifetimes of wisdom to draw upon when needed most.

Instead of a set, stringent or scripted set of rules, I take every single tool in my bundle -what I learned from my NDE, how I've healed my own (physical, emotional, and spiritual) traumas, and the many years of training to help YOU find your purpose, achieve healing, and to fully step into BEing the Living Author of Your own story,

I have spent much of my life researching and working with the ideas of consciousness, neuroscience and epigenetics, the multidimensional and deeply faceted realms of introspection, self-reflection, shadow work, integration and self love practices, Earth Based Spirituality, astrology, Sabian Symbols, herbology, ayurvedic medicine, folk medicine, nutrition, theology, Self Studies in Psychology, the neurobiology and psychology of trauma and energy medicine, sacred contracts, sacred geometry, anthropology, most branches of science/physics, numerology, the tarot, and other facets of ancient and esoteric wisdom.

To understand these fields of study better allows to develop a more complete method of Holistic Physical and Emotional trauma resolution and relief from fear, depression, anxiety, feelings of lack and limitation, and dis-ease.

Our primary objective in collaborating is to achieve a greater understanding of YOURSELF for deeper Evolutionary Growth, Spiritual Freedom, and ENTHUSIASM for LIFE.

What are some examples of things my services may provide?

This list is not exhaustive but serves to illustrate my work style, methods, and the possibilities it offers. It represents just a fraction of what is achievable through dedication to the spiritual development aspect of what I do:

  • Navigating multiple plains of existence (astral, akashic, trance work, shamanic Journeying and the like, safely
  • Past Life Regression, Alternate and Future Life Progression,
  • Developing and Opening the Heart-Eye Portal for intuitive resourcing 
  • Guidance for Traditional, Nutritional Healing
  • Guidance for assimilation of incoming galactic energies and ascension
  • Removal of heavy and crystallized energies in the chakras, energy centers and Light Body (LB) 
  • Timeline Healing for Recovery of the Soul's Path and Life Purpose through quantum hypnosis 
  • Wound, trauma, entity and liquid extractions 
  • Soul part retrieval and integration 
  • Sacred Gift, Animal Ally and Power Animal Discovery / Retrieval
  • Spirit Communication and High Discernment of energies and entities 
  • Sacred Ceremony for healing and deep connection to the cosmos, Gaia (Mother Earth, the Spirits Helpers, live in reciprocity with every living being (The Earth, rocks, stones, trees, plants, ancestors, the elements and elementals and more) 
  • Ceremony and rites to help you call back your personal sovereignty and divine oneness with all 
  • Ceremony for aid to the dying and for completion of life cycles 
  • Ceremonies and rites of passage for: changing seasons major life shifts, grief and bereavement 
  • Practitioner's ethics, self-care, and self-healing practices 
  • Integration and Balancing the body, mind, and soul using the ancient wisdom of Indigenous sacred medicine, Herbology, Nutrition, Astrology, Tarot, Oracle and other Intuitive Arts
  • SomaVeda Integrated Therapies® and SoulFire Alchemy™ is how I utilize all of these! 

So Why Am I Here?

Simply stated, I am in Spiritual service to help you break free from the blocks keeping you stuck, Sick, and frustrated so that you can live a balanced, Naturally health and healed life
Provide Guidance for introspection, self-reflection, shadow work, integration and self love practices in order to heal from the past, unearth your brilliant gifts, find your soulful voice of truth, and live the fulfilling, empowered life your heart desires through the alchemy of many ancient wisdoms, neuroscience and Spirit.

I accomplish that not only through my studies and spiritual connection, but also through the storytelling of my own harrowing tales of trauma I have overcome. Still, I go bare-footed on the earth - preferably right out of bed when it's early morning dew or in the rain. I walk down by the creek and remember who I Am. Sometimes it's a fire that I kindle, tend and burn what isn't contributing to my highest and best. Other times I use the techniques I've learned to dig deep, heal, and find out what makes me the hero in this story... (hERstory).

Let's Find Out What Makes You The Hero In Yours!