Disclaimer, Informed Consent and Waiver

By accessing this website hosted in Zenler.com, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms and Conditions, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this web site are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law. Please read carefully prior to booking a session While The act of booking a session with SoulFire Ministries is your "signature" that you have read and expressly agree to the following terms, waiver, consent and disclaimer, please execute the instrument below with your electronic signature where this cannot be done in person:

Please read carefully prior to booking a session The act of booking a session with SoulFire Ministries is your "signature" that you have read and expressly agree to the following: You understand that the names and terms "SoulFire Alchemy™," "Grace ElPatrick,", "Metamystic Muse," Beth SoulFire," "SoulFire Alchemy Academy," "Sophia SoulFire," "SoulFire Multiversity", "Alchemy Energetics" and "they" (referred to in this document interchangeably and as "COMPANY" within this document) represent its lawful trademarks, copyrights, patents, subsidiaries, owners, principals, directors, executives, assistants, employees, staff, or agents of SoulFire Ministries, and and acknowledge that they are not doctors, therapists, registered dieticians, coaches, financial analysts, psychotherapists, licensed counselors or registered medical professionals.  The act of booking a session or signing up for a class with COMPANY is your "signature" that you have read and expressly agree to all of the Disclaimer, Informed Consent, and Waiver contained herein. You understand your participation in this session or series of sessions will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment, and if you should experience any such issues you should see your registered physician or other practitioner as determined by your own judgment. You understand that the Session(s) is not a substitute for health care, professional medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your physical and mental well-being, mental, and physical choices and decisions during and after the Session. You understand that SoulFire Alchemy does not offer any representations, warranties, or guarantees, verbally or in writing, regarding any results of any kind. Except as specifically provided in this agreement or where the law requires a different standard, you agree that COMPANY is not responsible for any loss, death, illness, property damage, or bodily injury, caused by your participation in the session or care following the session and you expressly waive, discharge, release all liability and hold COMPANY, its subsidiaries, owners, principals, directors, executives, assistants, employees, staff, or agents harmless of all such claims. To the maximum extent permissible under applicable law, COMPANY will not be responsible to you or any third party claims through by you for any direct, indirect, special or consequential, economic or other damages arising in any way out your participation in the Session(s).  MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for online classes only:  In the event your request a refund, you must prove that you have understood and implemented all instructions, tasks, and homework to show that you really have made an honest and strong effort to get the outcome you desire as per instructions given. COMPANY reserves the right to honor your request by offering the terms of a applying your purchase price to any of COMPANY's offerings, services, classes, or sessions.  You expressly consent to any and all treatments, methods, and techniques necessary that COMPANY may perform in your session as determined by them. This includes but is not limited to, consulting your astrological chart, recommending supplements, herbs, or nutritional formulations specific to you, physical touching (for in-person sessions only), energy healing, releasing of toxins (which can cause a physical reaction like crying, vomiting, yawning, laughing, coughing, noise release, screaming, etc.). You understand that should you conduct yourself in ANY way deemed inappropriate during the session(s) as determined by COMPANY, or it's doctors, ministers, teachers, practitioners, or board members, that he or she will end the session, you will not receive a refund and she may contact the local authorities immediately. “Inappropriate” includes but is not limited to, touching, kissing, fondling yourself or COMPANY members, getting undressed in front of her, attempting anything sexual in nature with her or in front of her, threatening her in any way, or verbal or physical abuse of any kind to Parker Presnell, Metamystic Muse, SoulFire, or members of the COMPANY team.  In the event you attend and in-person session, class or event, you reserve the right to take any precautionary measures you and/or your doctor may feel is necessary in order to safely attend (such as wearing a mask, etc.) to protect against COVID-19. You will be asked a few health screening questions and will be asked to reschedule or stay home if you are sick in order to help stop the spread of viral infection to others.  Cancellation Policy:  Please contact us at info@soulfireministries.net at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment to notify us of any changes or cancellations to avoid losing credit for the session. In the event you cannot attend an appointment or class due to unforeseen circumstances, or class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances, the deposit or payment can be applied to a future class or session, as determined by COMPANY.  

By booking a session, you are signing this document, you hereby declare under penalty of perjury that you are over the age of 18 years old and legally able to enter into this agreement and do so of your own free will; and that you have ready, understand, fully and expressly agree to the Disclaimer, Informed Consent, and Waiver terms contained herein.

I UNDERSTAND that "SoulFire Alchemy"™ is a Trademark of SoulFire Ministries and COMPANY. All material on this, our other websites, and social media channels are protected by copyright, trademark, and patent LAW. All World Rights Reserved. I understand that any use of our names, materials or services for commercial purposes without express written permission from COMPANY will be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law.

© 2018-2024 SoulFire Alchemy™

Native American Indigenous Church (N.A.I.C.) Inc.   PARTICIPANT MEMBER ACTIVITY CONSENT, DISCLOSURE, WAIVER, AND DISCLAIMER FORM  I request that (Rev. Dr. Elizabeth SoulFire (Harrell) (aka, "Metamystic Muse, aka "Grace ElPatrick", to perform Native American, Indigenous traditional Religious Therapeutic: Healing and or related: (SomaVeda® Thai Yoga/ Indigenous, Indigenous Traditional Thai Massage/ Nuad Boran, Jap Sen Nuat, Tapping, Ayurveda, Yoga, Tantra  and or sacred expression of natural healing in  session, evaluation, therapy, consultation, Indigenous (clerical/ pastoral/ ministerial) Healthcare-Healing Science, Counselling, and Medicine (I.H.C.M.), or to set up program/ programs (or have sessions, etc.) for the purpose of (tending and caring for the sick, infirm, blind, broken, diseased persons, counselling, educating, sharing, expressing and/ or practicing Religious Therapy: Native American Medicine, Ritual, Ceremony, Medicine/ Healing and or related indigenous, traditional earth based healing modalities such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Yoga therapy, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nature Cure, Traditional Naturopathy, sharing/ expressing of love, compassion, joy and equanimity, as well as conversations regarding our mutual physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health and wellness including diet, Sacred Nutrition, Holistic and balancing Nutrition and any appropriate exchanges mutually agreed upon, using established procedures and methods approved by the Native American Indigenous Church, Inc. FBO/ Tribal Organization DBA N.A.I.C., Inc.).

I understand religious therapeutic sessions may or may not involve ceremony, prayer, physical pressure (anointing), facilitated movement, “laying on of hands” (Chirothesia), emotional, mental, psychological, or Bible-based Christian or Christ-Centered Native American Religious, spiritual counseling or exercises.  I understand that Rev. Dr. Harrell has a (certification, degree, religious authorization or training) from NAIC: The Thai Yoga Center, or recognized N.A.I.C. seminary/ school located in the state of Florida or school/ Minister, Certified Teacher approved by N.A.I.C., Inc. I understand that any of the sacred healing practices (religious therapeutics) we share (sacerdotal duties) and or express in private are not intended as diagnosis, prescription, or treatment for any disease, physical or mental, as defined by applicable state medical and or Massage/ Massage Therapy practices acts. It is also not intended to substitute regular medical care by a licensed medical provider.   I understand that all services/expressions, regardless of the names or titles used to describe them: Aboriginal/ Indigenous Healing, Native American Healing Medicine, Ceremony, Sacraments, SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®: Thai Yoga, Indigenous Traditional Thai Massage, Pancha Karma, Classical Ayurveda, meditations, affirmations, energy exchanges, prayers, Christ-Centered Yoga practices, therapies, sessions, protocols, Bio-Tapp/ EFT/Energy Psychology and or other sacred indigenous, traditional, natural, non-invasive, holistic practices and healing conversations are private practices conducted by authorized members of Private Religious Domain and Private Religious Faith Based Organization/ Membership Organization: NAIC, Inc. of which I am a member, and that I am NOT receiving these above-referenced services as a member of the public. I understand that NAIC, Inc. is a Private Religious/ Church Domain, Private, Religious Tribal Organization for the preservation, establishment, and practice of Religious Therapeutics, Native American, Indigenous (aboriginal) Traditional Medicine and Therapies, Reiki, Energy Balancing, Spiritual Counseling or related health, wellness and healing arts and sciences. In receiving these services, I agree to abide by the NAIC Articles of Religious Practice, education and Healthcare Membership, NAIC Code of Ethics, and NAIC Cancellation and Refund Policy as posted on the church website NativeFireChurch.Org (SomaVeda.Com).  I understand that I do not need to be of Native American (aboriginal) heritage of origin to participate and or receive services from an NAIC Tribal organization authorized member/ provider/ minister/ therapist/ counselor. Access to Healing is a Human Right.  I am an adult, aged 21 or older, or a parent of a minor child, legally and mentally competent to make informed decisions regarding my beliefs, religious/ spiritual practices, health, wellness, and recreation.  I swear that all information I provided supporting receiving/ participating in services from the above-referenced practitioner is correct and accurate as a precondition for participating in private ministerial/ healing activities.  NINTH AMENDMENT DECLARATION  ARTICLE IX, U.S. CONSTITUTION   “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the People.”  Under the Ninth Amendment  to the Constitution of the United States of America, I retain the right to freedom of choice in health care (or psychological Services, educational services, etc.).  This includes the right to choose my diet and to obtain, purchase, and use any therapy, regimen, modality, remedy, or product recommended by a fellow member  therapist, doctor, or any practitioner of my choice. The enumeration in this declaration of these rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights   retained by me or my right to amend this declaration at any time.   CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE   Notice is now given to any person who receives a copy of this Declaration and who, acting under the color of law, intentionally interferes with the free exercise  of the rights retained by me under the Ninth Amendment, as enumerated in this declaration, that they may violate my civil and constitutional rights,   Title 42, U.S.C. 1983 et seq. and Title 18, Section 241.  
Digital Membership Agreement - Please execute upon request

Deposit, Refund, and Cancellation Policy and Terms

Thank you for choosing SoulFire Ministries for your journey toward personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. We are committed to providing an enriching and transformative experience through our diverse range of classes, services, and events for our RHSEMO members. In line with our dedication to harmony and mindful service, we present the following terms regarding our refund and cancellation policy:

1.Non-Refundable Commitment: In the spirit of mutual dedication and respect, we kindly inform you that all fees for our classes and services are non-refundable. This policy supports our ministry's efforts in crafting impactful and well-prepared experiences, ensuring the resources and energies invested in organizing our offerings are honored and valued.
2.Non-Refundable Deposit and Application Fee: To secure your place and facilitate the preparation of our classes and services, a non-refundable deposit and application fee are required at the time of registration. These fees contribute to the administrative and preparatory costs incurred in the organization of our offerings, ensuring that we can continue to deliver high-quality experiences to all our participants.
3.Fees Applied to Future Opportunities: We understand that life's journey can sometimes take unexpected turns. Therefore, should you be unable to attend a class or service for which you have registered, we offer the compassionate consideration of applying your fee to future classes or services. This accommodation is made at our discretion, reflecting our commitment to your continuous spiritual and personal development.
4.Cancellations by SoulFire Ministries: While we endeavor to uphold all scheduled events, there may be rare occasions where circumstances necessitate a cancellation on our part. In such instances, we reserve the right to offer refunds at our discretion. However, it is important to note that refunds will not be provided in the event of unforeseen acts of God, natural disasters, or other extraordinary circumstances beyond our control, underpinning our collective understanding and acceptance of the unpredictable nature of life's journey.
5.Non-Transferrable Registrations: To maintain the integrity and personalized nature of our services, we affirm that all registrations are non-transferrable. This policy ensures that each participant's experience is tailored to their individual path of growth and discovery, fostering a more intimate and effective engagement with our offerings.
6.Dynamic Fee Structure: We reserve the right to adjust the fees for our private services and classes at any time, with or without notice. Such changes reflect our ongoing efforts to provide the highest quality experiences, accommodate operational demands, and respond to external conditions impacting our ministry's activities.  
7.Community Contributions and Shared Vision: At SoulFire Ministries, we are more than a private-member congregation; we are a community united in the vision of fostering holistic wellness and spiritual growth. Your donations, volunteer time, and contributions are the lifeblood of our mission, enabling us to extend our reach and enhance our offerings.

oExpanding Opportunities: Each donation or contribution is an investment in the collective growth of our community. These funds directly support the development and broadening of our classes, services, and events, allowing us to cater to a wider array of spiritual, healthcare, and personal development needs.

oReducing Costs Over Time: Through the generous support of our community members, we can optimize our resources and gradually reduce the costs of our offerings. This stewardship ensures the sustainability of our ministry and its ability to serve future generations.

oFostering Scholarships and Accessibility: Donations and volunteer contributions not only enrich our community with diverse skills and perspectives but also pave the way for establishing scholarships. Our goal is to offer these scholarships to members who may need financial assistance, ensuring that everyone has access to our educational and health-enhancing programs.

8.Commitment to Responsibility and Growth: In alignment with our values of dedication and mutual respect, SoulFire Ministries and SoulFire Alchemy Academy views attendance and engagement as foundational to the journey of learning and spiritual development. Our seminary academy operates on the principle that demonstrating responsibility is not only a sign of commitment but also a prerequisite for the privilege of participating in our learning opportunities.

oPolicy on No-Shows: We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, impacting your ability to attend as planned. However, consistent attendance is essential for the continuity and integrity of the learning experience for all participants. Therefore, individuals who are no-shows for RHSEMO services, registered classes or events without prior notice or valid reason may not be considered for future opportunities within our seminary academy. This policy is in place to ensure that our resources, including the limited spots in our programs, are allocated to those who are fully committed to their spiritual and personal development journey. 

oBy honoring your commitment to attend and participate in the scheduled offerings, you not only respect your own path of growth but also support the collective experience and dedication of our community. We encourage prompt and open communication regarding any potential attendance issues, allowing us to work together in fostering a responsible and thriving learning environment.

By joining hands in service and generosity, we collectively nurture the seeds of transformation and healing. Your involvement and contributions are vital in bringing our shared vision to fruition, demonstrating the power of unity in creating a world where spiritual growth and holistic wellness are accessible to all. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation with these policies, which are crafted to ensure the smooth and effective operation of our ministry's offerings. Together, we can create a harmonious environment conducive to learning, healing, and spiritual evolution.

Warm regards,
Dr. SoulFire, Senior Minister and The Council of Elders,
SoulFire Ministries

  Cancellation Policy:  Please contact me on this website, and/or at metamysticmuse@soulfireministries.net at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment to notify us of any changes or cancellations. You hereby declare under penalty of perjury that you are over the age of 18 years old and legally able to enter into this agreement and do so of your own free will; and that you have ready, understand, fully and expressly agree to the Disclaimer, Informed Consent, and Waiver terms contained herein. NAIC Digital Membership Agreement  Please execute this instrument upon request. Parent/Guardian Presence and Signature Required for clients age 18 and under.

In-Person Members will be asked to sign this prior to Consultation.

Site Terms of Use Modifications

 SoulFire Ministtires may revise these terms of use for its web site at any time without notice. By using this web site you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

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