Knoxville, TN, Chattanooga, TN, functional medicine, Sacred Counseling, knoxville Shaman, nutritional coach, holistic wellness, retreat, astrology, spiritual guidance, trauma healing, soul purpose, soul path, self empowerment, Elizabeth Harrell, Ph.D, D.Div.
Rev. Elizabeth Harrell, PhD, D.Div.
Senior Minister, SoulFire Ministries
Do you sometimes struggle with feeling exhausted. sick, unbalanced, shunned, held down - from not being able to ACHIEVE GREAT HEALTH, fully know how to speak your truth or manifest the physical, mental, spiritual GLOW-UP you desire? Are poor boundaries, unhealthy habits, or destructive thoughts haunting you?
What I do is help you navigate the realms of your holistic body (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & inner self) so you can understand that, not only is it possible to heal from your traumas and ill-informed choices, but you can also break free from the wellness challenges and blocks keeping you stuck in frustration, pain, and suffering.
THERE IS HOPE. You personal strategy for healing trauma, burnout, chronic illness, and grief awaits.
Serving the Greater Area of CHATTANOOGA, TN in our new, private wilderness-retreat location by the lake on 6.5 acres.
SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER BELOW FOR UPDATES and a personal invitation to our
Grand Re-Opening!
Please begin your journey by booking a Clarity & Strategy Creation or Cosmic Audit
A full consultation with me - a QUEST, if you will, to your personal solution for artistic self-evolution. I will reveal your hidden life-scripts and pathways via intuitive auditing, investigation and appraisal of your natural talents, gifts, supportive energies, deficiencies, weaknesses, drawbacks, greatest abilities and strengths. You'll be provided with a customized Holistic treatment plan to get you moving forward. Sacred Counseling and other treatments may be included in this session.
"Rev. Dr. Harrell has been a leader in the in Holistic health and wellness space for over 25 years. She helps you discover and refine your own excellence of body, mind, and soul through helping you develop a customized plan of spiritual practices, sacred nutrition, herbal medicine, and integrative pastoral counseling tools to take your Wellness and power back: Body, Mind, and Soul."
Shamanic Healing, sacerdotal energy medicine NLP/Hypnosis guided meditation, Emotional Liberation Technique Bio-Tapping, SoulFire Alchemy™, Identity ReDefine™, Astrological Alchemy, Sabian Symbols, powerful mentorship, and many other tools, intuitive resources are available to meet a variety of needs.
1 Hour | PIF Donation
Pay It Forward Donations for Members prevents your financial situation from being a barrier to to you getting the help that you need, and a barrier to me in doing what I love to do! "Pay It Forward" donations for services allows for you to donate what you can (a little or a lot), thereby granting scholarships to those who may not be able to pay much at all. Our latest charitable project is "Appalachian SoulFire Hurricane Helene Relief" project. This project helps save personal property and help rebuild homes lost for the families, individuals, and small businesses in the area. Our Founder and Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Harrell has pledged to donate 50% of her paycheck to our Hurricane Helene Relief Fund.
Did you know that you were born with a road map for life?? Here's a little secret for you: The specific date, time, & geographical location where you drew your first breath, was indeed the moment Lady Fate blew those star placements- casting her drawing especially for you.
*Learn about your classical astrological natal chart (using vedic and western techniques) reading
*Intuitive Auditing will include investigation and appraisal of your natural talents, gifts, supports, deficiencies, weaknesses, drawbacks, and strengths using Sabian Symbol, sacred geometry, and other methods of spiritual interpretation to clarify your soul purpose, and highest destiny.
*Channeled insights that come through are always part of this service.
*Personalized Readings: Choose Your Preferred Method! Whether you prefer a phone call, Zoom meeting, or an in-person visit, we offer the same personalized service as our recording-only option.
*During this session, we will engage in a conversation via phone, Zoom, or face-to-face meeting at our Ministry location.
*This session includes a Tarot and/or Oracle Reading, tailored to your needs.
2 Hours | +350*
Rev. Dr. Harrell has pledged to donate 50% of her proceeds to our Appalachian SoulFire Hurricane Helene Relief Fund.
SoulFire Alchemy™ Integrative Healing therapies is a holographic wellness and multidimensional healing session, and is the signature fusion of the shamanic healing, the mystical traditional practices of the Andean culture, sacred guidance, holistic wellness modalities, and profound intuitive abilities and and other natural and sacred therapeutics Rev. Elizabeth has experienced, learned, and mastered over the past 25+ years. These sessions are 1 to 2 hours to a half or full day retreat, and may include any of the following:
*"Chirosthesia" is the evaluation, treatment, and care for patients of the physical, mental, and spiritual planes using a vocation of religious therapeutic practice that bases treatment on physiological functions and abnormal conditions on natural and spiritual laws governing the human body using spiritual, physiological, psychological and mechanical methods, such as:
*Quantum Neuroscience-based, body-centered hypnosis (aka Identity ReDefine©) for reorientation of the mind-body-heart-soul processing and navigation systems.
This technique is used to access past, future, and alternate life regression.
*Laying of hands which may include bible and faith-based healing, sacred physio-therapy, natural treatments, and various sacerdotal healing touch therapies for detoxification, restoration, rejuvenation, and wellness.
*The ancient spiritual traditions of Reiki Master and Crystal Reiki Services and teachings.
*Mystical shamanistic energy medicine, prayerful, ritual and ceremonial traditions.
*Classical Ayurveda Classical Chinese, and Appalachian folk medicine techniques.
*Traditional Nature Cure and holistic wellness.
*Bioenergetic and rare earth healing magnetic therapy
*Homeopathic Remedies customized to your needs
*Sacred / Nutritional Consultation and Corrective Care for wellness
*Pastoral Counseling
1 Hour | +By Donation
Are you ready for a private, personal spiritual healing retreat custom-designed just for you?
*Luminous Energy Field Cleansing & Chakra Balancing
*Shamanic Journeying and trance work
*Ancestral healing
*Wound Extraction
*Soul Retrieval
*Power Animal Retrieval
*Retrieval of helping spirits, guides, and soul medicinal energies
*Sacred Counseling and mentorship
*(sacred) Reiki Master techniques and training
*The Healing power of my curandero mesa stones, sacred objects, and blessing from my shamanic lineages including altomesayaqs and pampamesayoqs of the high Andees
*Integrative shadow and light work
*Vibration, sound, sacred scents (smudge), and shaking medicine
*Channeling, ceremony, and many other arts of the intuitive and ancient.
Learn more about energy medicine here.
*Soul Assignments and personalized, bespoke affirmations are created for your use at the end of the session.
The SoulFire Alchemy™ Healing Intensive, Day Retreat, Weekend or Full Retreat is received in-person at SoulFire Ministries at our private retreat in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Online sessions have been adapted to be suitable for zoom.
*Personal Training with Rev. Dr. Harrell at the SoulFire Sanctuary. Certificates from SoulFire Alchemy Academy of Metaphysics and Sacred Arts will be made available. *Become Ordained through SoulFire Ministries
Request A Consultation
I have read and agree to the terms & conditions.
These services are Limited to our Authorized Members. All services are SoulFire Alchemy™ Integrative Therapies as part of SoulFire Ministries Church, a 508c1a not-for-profit, FBO faith based organization.
"I attended a full moon fire ceremony a few months ago, and I'm still feeling its benefits. I had never participated in a fire ceremony before, and she She was very warm and welcoming. She explained things very clearly which helped calm my nerves and allowed me to just enjoy the experience. That night was very powerful for me. Rev. Elizabeth provided a space where I was able to finally release a heavy burden of mine, and 3 months later I can say it is truly gone. I highly recommend experiencing for yourself the love and power found at Soulfire Alchemy!"
Anne Nickels
Johnson City, TN
"I had an energy healing session with her on the day of the full moon and it was fantastic! I never did anything like it before and wasn’t sure what to expect. I could feel the energetic shift in my root and heart chakras! Afterwards I could feel tingling in my root chakra area. The worry and fear that usually is quietly accompanying me thru out the day and night seems gone! I feel lighter and so much less anxious with a noticeable absence of the daily irrational fear I wrestle with. It's amazing! I am so grateful for her work and I look forward to doing more!”
Kyle Danler
Session type: Natal Chart Reading
"Well let’s just say I have had a 10-year funk going on. Tried every way that I knew or could find that was available to me to fix the problem (self help books, religion, and many others). Nothing seemed to get me completely over the problem and return me to my former state of mind. So one day I was on FB looking at events in my local area and saw SoulFire Alchemy's
[page]. So, I thought 'why not let’s see what happens.'
So Elizabeth facilitated a Shamanic healing session for me and when I left her I felt like a ten pound weight had been lifted from me. She found some nasty little buggers that had been holding on to me and sent them on their merry little way. I have been truly blessed by her practice and would highly recommend this service to anyone in need of a transformational healing! Bless you Beth with much light and love."
Mindy Paxton
Kingsport, TN
Session Type: SoulFire Alchemy Session
Liat Stillman
Session type: Pre-recorded Natal Chart + Tarot reading
Rev. Harrell, PhD is an Authorized Licensed Holistic Practitioner and Minister of SoulFire Ministries Church, a 508c1a Non Profit FBO